My ESC at Polaris

When I first came here in Germany, everything seemed different, the language, culture, even people. I knew that it would be so, and I was prepared for it, but I never expected my whole year to turn out to be an amazing experience.

As soon as or the day I came here, I was picked up by Jenny, Ozge and Fee. They were extremely friendly and I thought that it started pretty good already. Then I met the other volunteers and they also seemed pretty nice. The whole orientation was so much fun, informative and contributing and preparing us well for our volunteer year.

Then I started working, I met my colleagues, started learning the job. It was as easy and chill as it could be, but of course I found it a bit hard to communicate with the kids, as they did not speak any English and I not speak any German. Then I started to pick up a couple words in the team meetings. Then I started translating every word that I heard, and that is how my German got a bit better. And I believe that at the end of my EVS, my German got good enough to at least communicate with the kids and for me to express myself with anything. My colleagues were extremely helpful during my EVS journey and whenever I needed something or whenever I got sick, they helped me and looked after me.

Polaris for me was like a family. I laughed a lot with them, or whenever they were sad or mad for any reason, I got sad or mad with them. I learnt to deal with stressful situations, and made my way though. Sometimes I played guitar out of blue and sang, sometimes I played chasing, basketball or kicker. I took part and responsibilities in some amazing projects. These made me feel like I was able to achieve anything, and also present my interest in music in many great ways.

It was a year of discovering myself, who I really am and what I really want from my life. And I believe that it was the best opportunity I could ever take. I will not regret any second of it. I am so glad to have met such amazing people. It could not be better.

I also learnt taking care of myself. I actually was never a good cook- I can still not say that I am the best, but now I can cook for myself, without burning anywhere or setting myself on fire. I cooked a lot in Polaris which I think helped a lot.

The people in Eurowerkstatt and also Polaris were always there whenever I was in need. They helped me kindly with every difficulties and never let me down. I am so grateful.

It upsets me to leave my workplace, after learning the job so well and actually being able to communicate with the kids. I could never get enough.

I can never forget all these great memories I have had here, they will always be with me, around me. All these great friendships, great connections that I made and all the awesome memories will stay with me, forever. Now I know where I want to be, what I want to do and who I want to be.
