Danke Jena!

I started in Jenaplan Schule at the beginning of October, being honest, with fear because no one understood me and for me it was a big hill to climb in the beginning, but really was only the fear of the beginning, cause in one week more or less that fear disappeared of my brain.

If someone ask me about my life in kindergarten, I’m not gonna lie, the first week super lose but right now I think that it’s super normal, by the reason that it’s not your country and also isn’t your culture.

So after has broken that barriers I can start to tell my kindergarten history, I’ve two tutors that being honest again they were following my steps all the times but in the good way, I’ve never had any problem, and when I had it I only spoke it with my tutors and they were always available in order to fix the little daily’s problems. So in this aspect, from my side, I have no complain about it.

Perhaps will be better, (but maybe could be also my fault) insists more in order to teach more Spanish to children, really I didn’t know the correct way cause I didn’t study something released with the education sector.

So, I only can be thankful with the attention that I’ve here received from my tutors, maybe sometimes, I would like more feedback about if I did the things good or not, but maybe could be also my fault for not ask about it.

Respect the hosting organization, after talk with other volunteers of Germany in seminars, I think that Eurowerkstatt could be one of the better place in order to make you ESC in Germany, I cannot report any bad things to the organization, and I only can excuse me if in some moments and by the fault of global pandemic, Pablo could lost the polite mood of say the things, right now I  understand that for all of us was worst moment and uncertainty moment as well, so thank you for management that situation in the better way that you’ve found.

In short I’m super thankful to Eszter for be always empathetic with us and fight for our problems, you will be my remember and the face of Eurowerkstatt’s for me, (DANKE ESZTER). I am thankful also to Dieter for be my boss of the kindergarten and have all the patience of the world despite that one of the barriers was the language, and speak different languages is not one of my personal skills, and to Uta, was for me mother, friend, accomplice and home when I’ve needed, personally hopefully all the people could find in the life one Uta, is the person with you can count in the bad and the goods moments, danke danke und danke Uta.

And in short, my life in Jena was simply amazing, I’m gonna bring friends that’s always will be for me my particularly abroad family, with defects and virtues, but in accept all the sides of the people it’s the best way of build a big family.

Danke Jena,

Pablo Robles Fernández
