
MixTour 2018, a success story for 15 years

From 29 June to 8 July, Russian will be spoken again at the Eurowerkstatt. The reason for this is that 8 young people from Vladimir are spending 10 days with their 8 German friends from Jena.

Das Thema unseres diesjährigen Austausches: “Bildungslandschaften Deutschlands und Russlands” – in Fortsetzung des Themas der vergangenen MixTour 2017 in Vladimir.

Our traditional programme always surprises its participants with innovations, spontaneity and unpredictability, but also lures them into an incredible adventure in the city of Jena - the twin city of Vladimir and Erlangen. You can expect new acquaintances, interesting meetings and communication, in-depth study of the partner organisations, free time, walks, travel, a little shopping and nice people around you! We give them all the tools of our partner organisations so that they can feel like builders of their future - our common peaceful future, which largely depends on German-Russian relations!  During the MixTour 2018, we decided to work with you on your ideas that can be implemented within the framework of the Vladimir-Erlangen-Jena Partnership (or beyond) and operate within the existing resources of the public organisations.

The foreign ministers of both countries declared 2017/2018 the Russian-German Year of Regional-Municipal Partnerships. For us, this means concretely a  twinning year between Vladimir, Jena and Erlangen. And as a permanent member of this partnership and its engines, our organisations Euroclub and Eurowerkstatt did not remain unapproachable! We actively participate and announce all our events in this year's programme on the websites: and

But before that, something interesting will begin: Next year 2018/19 will be declared the German-Russian Year of Education and Science! What does that mean for us ? We have great opportunities for new joint projects! This means that in the coming year until autumn 2019, events on education and science will take place in Russia and Germany! An important role in this year will be played by partnerships between public organisations and educational institutions as well as partner cities!

Ivan Nizovtsev
