The open youth center polaris regards itself as part of the local educational landscape and aims at creating favorable conditions for young people to grow up. We consider ourselves as a place where children and young people from different social backgrounds can get into contact and can exchange experiences, both spontaneously or in a structured and moderated way. Our main overall task is political and cultural education. The center’s structural objective is to implement open child and youth work as part of the all-day education in its neighborhood, Jena-Nord. Objectives in terms of content are to optimize development opportunities of children and young people by broadening their experiences, enhancing their capacity to reflect and increasing their alternatives for action.

Another priority of polaris is to increase equal opportunities for all children and young people, no matter what gender, social background or ethnic origin they belong to. These objectives are methodologically implemented by topic- and group-related projects in participatory child and youth education, complemented by free recreational and social activities. Our offers are open for all people (aged 6 to 27 years) in the neighborhood of Jena-Nord.

Volunteer profile: Skills in organising, flexibility, ability to work independently, interest in public relations and working on the computer, interest in working with people of different nationalities, open for foreign cultures and religions.

Check out polaris on their website, facebookand onInstagram for more information and photos.
