Sending: In unseren Büroräumlichkeiten informieren und beraten wir interessierte Jugendliche zu unterschiedlichen Mobilitäts-Programmen wie z.B. ESK, weltwärts, kulturweit, au pair, work and travel und andere Freiwilligendienste im In- und Ausland. Wir unterstützen Jugendliche dabei das passende Programm zu finden und helfen bei den Bewerbungsunterlagen. Weiterführende Informationen dazu finden sich im Bereich Sending.

Hosting:  We support determined young people in realizing their desire to spend time abroad. Through information and video presentations, seminars and intercultural meetings with former volunteers and new applicants, we enable young people to prepare intensively for their stay abroad. We establish contact with organizations in other countries, support the future volunteers in their travel preparations and assist with arrangements for insurance. More information is also available at Sending.

Program placement: In our organization, it is also possible to do volunteer service, internship, or traineeship opportunities.. Wir bieten dafür den BFD (Bundesfreiwilligendienst) und für junge Menschen aus dem Ausland den ESK (Europäisches Solidaritätskorps) an. Je nach Vorkenntnissen und Interessen setzen wir unsere Freiwilligen und Praktikant*innen in der Beratung oder bei Aktivitäten mit den aktuellen europäischen Freiwilligen in Jena ein.

Coordinating: We are coordinating more than ten different hosting projects in Jena, our partners are kindergartens, youth centers and schools of the city. An important task for us is the support of the work of all these social organizations by advice and aid in order to take care of the European volunteers and to promote the ideas of the ESC. You can find out more about our network and our coordinating activities Hosting.

Youthexchange: Our programme „MixTour“ was established 2004. Each year, either we travel to Wladimir (Russia), or a group of russian youngsters visits us in Jena. This is a very nice example for the german-russian friendship that we promote. We made a lot of short movies or published photos and texts, if you want to find out more about our activities, you can read more here.

Networking and intercultural youth work: Since 2009, we have been a member of the European network "Eurodesk", the Thuringian network for international youth work and the civil dialogue between Germany and Russia. In addition, we maintain contacts with Jena's partner cities at home and abroad. Through regular participation in information events, network meetings and training courses, we are always up to date and can pass on current topics, the latest results and methods from the field of intercultural youth work to our network or apply them directly ourselves.
