Projektzeit: 01.08.2020 bis 30.07.2021
Projektnahme: Kingsriver Community
Project description: “Kingsriver” ist eine LIFE-SHARING-GEMEINSCHAFT, die Erwachsene mit Behinderungen unterstützt. Es bietet Wohn- und Tagesbetreuung in Form von Training, Therapie und sinnvoller Arbeit. Kingsriver setzt sich für Inklusion und den Abbau von Barrieren und Stereotypen bei Menschen mit besonderen Bedürfnissen ein. Wir sind bestrebt, Menschen mit unterschiedlichen Fähigkeiten qualitativ hochwertige, personenzentrierte Möglichkeiten zu bieten und sie dabei zu unterstützen, ihr volles Potenzial auszuschöpfen. Unsere Zielgruppe lernt durch eine Vielzahl von Programmen und Aktivitäten, an ihrer Community teilzunehmen.
Volunteers support and enhance these activities and help our target group to become more independent and better integrated into society. This is done through our weekly programmes, dialogues, teamwork and activities such as arts and crafts, sports, gardening, woodwork, cooking, IT skills, etc. Tolerance, acceptance and empathy towards people who are different are the main characteristics that volunteers encounter. They learn a lot of practical and organisational skills AND a lot about themselves. Volunteers live in the same place. Accommodation is in one of the residential houses in the Kingsriver Community. Volunteers have their own bedroom and share a bathroom. Our meals are shared, which means we all eat together in the main house; and we take turns cooking for everyone. Volunteers can do what they want on their days off and eat where they want. We are in the countryside and have our own minibus that goes to Kilkenny City every day.
Training during the project Volunteers are encouraged to use their YouthPass as a reflection tool throughout the project to support and develop their skills. Training opportunities include: Volunteer Guide to Practical Tips; Residents & Community Info; Manual Handling; Managing Actual and Potential Aggression; Codes of Conduct; Data Protection and Confidentiality; Health & Safety; Infection Control; Fire Safety and Evacuation Procedures; Epilepsy; Safeguarding and Adult Protection; Disability; etc. These are supported by practical skills learned by doing and by shadowing professionals. Supervision & Mentoring Meetings
Volunteers profile: Although we are not looking for formal qualifications, we find that our project is suitable for flexible people who have a good sense of humour and strong motivation. We prioritise candidates with a good command of English as we provide formal training that requires volunteers to read, learn and understand the policies and procedures of our work. This is necessary to comply with Irish law for people working with vulnerable people. It is important that candidates have an interest in working with disabilities and are available for ONE year. We also prioritise applicants over the age of 22 when working with adults.
Contact person in the project: Stefania Marcia
Website: https://www.kingsriver.ie