Eurowerkstatt Jena

Eurowerkstatt Jena e.V. is a non-profit association that was established in 2006. We are active in the field of child and youth welfare and the international (youth) work of the city of Jena. The goal of our organisation is the creation of offers for young people to develop social and vocational abilities, particularly intercultural abilities. We want to sensitise young people to their possibilities and chances they have within Europe. It is very important for us to promote intercultural aspects in the children and youth work of Jena.

We cooperate with other non-profit organisations, associations, kindergartens, youth centers and schools of the city. All our actions have the goal of promoting the idea of a united and peaceful Europe and understanding the variety of the European culture especially through and for young people who will build up the next generation.

As a coordinating organisation within the EU-program „European Solidarity Corps“ we support youngsters from Jena who want to go abroad and welcome young people from different European counties as international volunteers in Jena.

As a volunteer in Eurowersktatt you will:

– Support each of our teams with their tasks:

  • Hosting: you will have the possibility to keep Eurowerkstatt updated on how the volunteers are doing, from roommate difficulties, to activities they would like to organise together, so Eurowerkstatt can help to restore a positive atmosphere. You will also be responsible for informing Eurowerkstatt if something in the other apartments breaks, such as a shelf or a window.

  • Sending: you will have to support our team with presentations (sometimes even make them) in schools and youthcenters about going abroad as a young person. You will have to share your experience as an ESC volunteer and make some publicity for the ESC-project in general. You will also participate and lead the pre-departure training of the young people Eurowerkstatt will send on a mobility. You will keep in touch with them during they stay and make sure they have everything they need to have the best abroad experience possible.

– You will also have to join our team meeting and share your feedbacks about your work, you will have to take notes

– As a volunteer, you will also have the opportunity to lead your own project during your working hours. It can be weekly events, garden day, or everything you feel inspired about!

– Be in charge of our social media (Instagram, Facebook, TikTok) and will try to increase our visibility with regular posts and stories. You will also have to keep our website updated and check our emails.

 – And if you are a handy person, you can be in charge for small repair work at the house and the garden of the volunteers.

Check out Eurowerkstatt on facebook and on Instagram for more information and photos.
