Weekend trip to Leipzig

From 29 to 31 October 2021, the volunteers went on a weekend trip to Leipzig to get to know a new city in Germany.

The trip included various stops in Leipzig neighbourhoods. They went to Connewitz, a neighbourhood in Leipzig known for its diversity. The volunteers explored Conne Island, an alternative youth cultural centre in Connewitz, and were fascinated by its unique appearance.

They also visited the Lindenau district and took a short walk along the beautiful canal.

However, the volunteers not only explored the outskirts of Leipzig, but also the city centre, where they learned about the city's history and saw historical sites.

The volunteers found the city attractive and said it was worth a visit. They will definitely come back in the future.

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2021/2022 volunteers
Conne Island, Connewitz
Zentrum von Leipzig

Meeting in Berlin

From 22 to 24 May, a conference took place in Berlin at the invitation of SPD member of parliament Christoph Matschie. It was aimed at politically interested people from Thuringia. Volunteers from the EuroWerkstatt Jena e.V. and members of the youth political organisation "Jusos Thüringen" took part in the meeting.

The programme of the trip included:

1) German Bundestag (Reichstag building)

2) Visit to the Russian Embassy in Berlin

3) Guided tour of the German-Russian Museum in Berlin-Karlshorst (site of the surrender of the Wehrmacht in 1945).

4) Führung in der Gedenkstätte und Museum “KZ und Speziallager Sachsenhausen”

5) Visit of the exhibition EXPERIENCE EUROPE in the European House

6) Discussion with MPs in the Paul Löbe House

The trip was very engaging. There was a lot of useful and important information about the political system of Germany and Europe in general. I hope that such a trip will be repeated.

Article by Nikolai Kaplenko. Translation by Johanna Grosser.


Thanks to Achraf and Ahmed for amazing tunesischen Abend with delicious food, interesting presentation and OFCOURSE live music performance!!! That was EPIC!!! / Danke an Achraf and Ahmed für den tollen tunesischen Abend voll von leckerem Essen, interessanten Informationen und vor Allem der grandiosen Musikshow!!!


A day with russian culture

An amazing day passed thanks to our Russian volunteers and friends! Foods, music, videos.. everything was beautiful at Tag der russischen Kultur!!! Thanks for sharing your beautiful culture with us=) Sharing is caring   

Ein herrlicher Tag ist zu Ende gegangen, dank unserer russischen Freiwilligen und Freunde! Das Essen, die Musik, die Filme.. alles war wunderschön zum Tag der russischen Kultur!!! Danke für für den Einblick in eure Kultur  Sharing is caring
