Volunteering in Jena

Work: My project in Iberoamerica has been in general very productive and valid since I have learned many tools about my studies of socio-cultural animation such as: organizing, planning and carrying out activities for children, organizing activities but on a larger scale also for children (for halloween, christmas and carnival), helping to organize big events like parties, concerts and film sessions, organizing stammtisch sessions, creating facebook events, making piñatas and other materials.

The work environment is good because they help and guide you in what you need and you always feel supported and do not feel alone.

What this project has given me the most is being able to carry out different activities as I want, to work freely, to meet so many people from different backgrounds, to know the life history of these people, to be able to get involved in aspects such as feminism, anti-racism and the defense of Latin American culture.

What I like the least about the Iberoamerica project is that many times there is a lack of communication and organization and that in the long run can be seen in the events that we carry out and in the lack of time.

 The city: At first I loved it, the fact that wherever you look you see mountains is something that makes me feel at peace and at home. It’s a small city and you might think it’s boring but it’s not like that at all, there are lots of possibilities to spend your free time in whatever you want. That it is small I see it as a positive point because you know many people, you can walk or bike anywhere without losing much time of your day and people are very friendly. I consider it a perfect place to live.

The house: I’m very happy with the house I got, I have the best kitchen and a super big room. Having a garden is the best thing of all and being able to live with other volunteers is a great idea because we immediately make plans together and without counting it we become a big family, they are like my brothers and sisters.
